Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Plan

The Plan

In the beginning was the plan
And then came the assumptions
And the assumptions were without form
And the plan was completely without
And darkness was on the face of the
And they spake amongst themselves,
‘It is a crock of crap and it stinketh’
And the soldiers went to their Squad Leaders
And sayeth
‘It is a pile of dung and none may
Abide the odor thereof’
And the Squad Leaders went to their
Platoon Leaders and sayeth unto them
‘It is a container of excrement and it
Is very strong such that none may abide
By it’
And the Platoon Leaders went to the XO
And sayeth unto him
‘It is a vessel of fertilizer and none
May abide its strength’
And the XO went to the Commander
And sayeth
‘It contains that which aids growth and
It is very strong’
And the Commander went to Battalion
And sayeth
‘It promoteth growth and it is very powerful’
And Battalion went to Brigade and sayeth
‘This powerful new plan will actively
Promote the growth and efficiency of
The Army’
And Brigade looked upon the plan
And saw it was good
And the plan became policy.

..... Author Unknown

Sometimes the truth hurts

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


A sandstorm hits our base here in Tikrit, Iraq Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Tikrit, Iraq

Evening is upon us in Tikrit, Iraq Posted by Picasa

Sunset In Tikrit, Iraq

A radiant sunset in Tikrit Iraq Posted by Picasa

A Blackhawk Lands

A Blackhawk prepares to land behind the tents. Posted by Picasa

The sun begins to set in Tikrit Iraq Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 02, 2005

Inspection and Assessment

Today, my team and I met with the Iraqi Police during an inspection and assessment of an Iraqi Police Station. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 29, 2005

Aras Sports Club

Iraqi's from the Aras Sports Club, a sponsor of athletics such as soccer and other sports views their new computer as a result of a coalition project. This will allow them to track their team and players as well as make calenders and such to track games. Posted by Picasa

Iraqi Police and Army are present providing security during voter registration at this polling site. Posted by Picasa

Soccer Equipment

A picture of the Iraqi Football (soccer) teams new uniforms and soccerballs. The players already have the new shoes and socks. Posted by Picasa

School Desk Project Realized

A classroom at this primary school is filled with new desks delivered by our contractor. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Soccer Project

Several children greet the team at this village and are happy to see soldiers. We are here to view a completed project to build a soccer field and buy uniforms and equipment for the teams. Posted by Picasa

School Desk Project

Several new school desks await delivery to local schools as part of a coalition project, the need was recognized as part of assessments done earlier. It was found that many primary and secondary schools lacking proper equipment for a constructive learning environment. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

Situational Awareness

A soldier keeps situational awareness in a volatile village that has seen several gun battles amongst its residents in the recent past. Their is a dispute along ethnic lines that has erupted into violence several times and we are trying to determine its cause and extent, and seek remedies to satisfy all parties while remaining neutral in our position. Posted by Picasa

Polling Site

An Iraqi Policeman salutes me as I take their picture at a polling site for the upcoming elections. Security is tight and the area well defended by Iraqi Security Forces. Posted by Picasa

A Delicate Balance

A soldier carefully observes villagers behavior and for signs of trouble in this village due to several recent episodes of violence. It is a delicate balance here in the village trying to be a neutral party and letting the Iraqi's work out their differences and not appearing to take sides in the conflict. Posted by Picasa

Resolving a Feud

Our team talks with several of the villagers who recently have been having a feud within their village along ethnic lines which has resulted in violence with villagers who have been shot and killed. Posted by Picasa