Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Destroyed Iraqi Village
This is a picture of a Kurdish village destroyed by Saddams regime after the Iran/Iraq war. He turned his army on the Kurdish people of Iraq in an effort to destroy them completely and take control Northern Iraq. His army destroyed over 4,000 villages and cities in Northern Iraq. There are over 182,000 Kurds still missing from his arabization campaign 1988-1991 in the North. The majority of the Kurdish people fled to Turkey and Iran to avoid being killed by the regime. Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurdish town of Hallabja on March 16, 1988 killing over 5,000 Iraqi Kurds where they stood and injuring over 10,000 more. It is an atrcoity of ethnic cleansing by Saddam's regime that most people outside of Iraq are unfortunately ignorant to. But the people here will never forget the atrocities committed against them.
Monday, March 28, 2005
New Shoes for Students at Lali Khan
Here we have students at Lali Khan Primary getting new shoes and socks tried on by Iraqi Border Police. Our team had the students come out four at a time to retain some control of the situation, whereas outside the gate it was mass chaos as parent's started grabbing any size of shoe they could for their kids. Fortunately the student's were much better disciplined than the adults outside the gate.